Full-Stack Web Developer
Every time I look into websites or any social networking sites on the internet, I was curious how the webpage is working, what are all the operations work on the backend. This curiosity engaged me to be effective and productive in the process of learning web development. Thus my web development journey has been started.
Information Technology
Java Script
React Js
Node Js
Express Js
CLI Bash
Webpage to buy Cosmetic items. Account authentication page added for signup and sign-in. Sorting functionalities helps to sort out to buy products. Add to Cart page has coupon code functionalities.
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Webpage to buy groceries and foods like nearby shops and stores. The functional landing page has search options and location options. Google authentication was added for sign-in. Add items to add to the cart by clicking images on a landing page. Pick up and drop location functionality added.
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Webpage to buy e-commerce items like Groceries, Mobile Phones, Electronics, Fashion, Home and Appliances, Travel, and Beauty Products.
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A webpage is like a virtual mall. Buy Movie Tickets, Order food, and Buy E-Commerce Products in one place. Add money to your wallet to buy movie tickets or order food and buy e-commerce products.
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Web application MI clone is for viewing the overall features of the products like Mobile phones, Life Accessories, Audio devices, etc. We were four members in a team to build this project in 5 days.
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2022©Designed and built by MUGILARASAN
Feel free to Connect with me.!
mugilarasan.malathi @gmail.com
Checkout my Location Here.!
Dharmapuri, Tamilnadu
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+91 6374488232